

Daily thoughts on aesthetics and theology, and the entire world in between.

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You don't really see them while they happen.

Of course most barbershops have the mirrored wall, but I bet most people (at least the guys) don't spend their time on the chair looking at the progress. I usually have my head down, thinking about the next paper I'll write that nobody will read.

And there, with my head down, askance off both sides, I see the snips of hair falling to the floor.

I've seen that sight for over fifty years.

Haircuts are one way you can mark time.

"You have a
lot of hair," is a remark I've heard over the years from barbers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and now Washington.

When I was a kid living in Ohio, I'd bike down to the barbershop, next to Avellino Drugs. Afterwards, the barbershop floor would be covered with black hair.

It was different yesterday.

While sitting on that chair, askance off both sides, I saw tufts of white fall to the ground.

Oh there was still some black. But mostly I saw white.

When I left, it was all over the floor, like clumps of dirtied snow on a trafficked street.


Luke 12.7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.


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