

Daily thoughts on aesthetics and theology, and the entire world in between.

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This is what it's all about ...

"What is Life?"

"What is Love?"

Big questions like these take up a lot of time without producing answers. Or they occupy huge tomes nobody reads. Some people, having talked long enough about them, might even earn tenure at an institute of higher learning. But the questions only get bigger.

At the Mission, I've been getting to know a man named Art; and Art tends to ask the big questions. Like last night over dinner ...:

... the dining room was overflowing with people and noise, the aroma of dependency freely mixing with the warmth of caring. In addition to the guys staying at the Mission, many had come in from the dreary cold. They were served hamburger patties smothered with chili, with curly fries and salad on the side.

As usual, it was a miracle:
hundreds of servings ... with leftovers.

And Art blurts out:

What's any of this about anyway... ?

Art is a deep thinker in faded blue jeans; I'd even say he's tortured by his thoughts. That's why I find him a kindred spirit.

But I'm chomping down on my hamburger and mildly irritated at having to do philosophy at the same time.

"Pass the salt and pepper."

Yea but what's any of this about anyway ... I mean look at us ... nobody's interested in anything but eating and the basics ...

It was one of those moments when the jigsaw puzzle of thoughts aligned with insight from above; so I blurted out, probably helping myself more than helping him:

This is what it's all about: you are here; I am here; we are eating this meal together; this moment ... together ... here ... and we are thankful. All of this, NOW, is by God's grace. This is what it's all about, and we must capture the moment ...


John 6.29 Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”


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