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Personal eschatology

The big word for end-time musings is eschatology.

You don't need to be in Christian circles for a long time before you find out what people think of the end times.

As with most things, they think differently.

Some people say Christ will reign a thousand years in an age to come. Other people say that age is now. Yet other folks say that much of Biblical prophecy was fulfilled in the first century -- and they get pretty worked up about specific dates.

Over the years, I've been variously fascinated with these meta-theories of God's grand plans for history. Each theory seems mighty sure of what will happen when -- and most of them are cock sure that this-or-that has already happened.

Confidence is always a neighbor of presumption.

These commentaries forget that Jesus said even He didn't exactly know how things will unfold ...

Now in my fifties, I am less and less sure about any of this stuff -- and more and more inclined to agree with Jesus.

I just don't know how it will all unfold.

One thing I do know:

My personal time is getting shorter and shorter.

Eschatology only makes sense when your own time to see the Lord draws nigh. That's the only view of the end times that really matters.


Mark 13.32-33 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.

1 Corinthians 7.29 What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short ...


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