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Be all that you can be

When we finally achieve all that we can be, we will not be like the poor slobs we are now. We’ll really be somebody. And in our minds eye, that achievement usually cannot happen in our present circumstances. In fact, our present circumstances are the Big Bad Reason why we can’t be all that we can be.

No, something big has to happen -- like joining the army or something. Then I can jump out of helicopters, scale mountains, shoot big guns, do anything other than what I’m doing now. Then I can be all that I can be. But here is the Apostle Paul:

If you serve, then serve; If you teach, then teach; If you are to encourage, then encourage; If you are to give to others, then give to others; If you are to lead, then really lead …

Well, Paul, this is no help at all. I am a great teacher, you see, but I can never be all that I can be in these crappy circumstances, with these morons I’m stuck with. Haven’t you ever heard the saying, Paul, that it’s tough to fly with the eagles when you’re stuck with a bunch of turkeys?

In context Paul is speaking of the highest form of sacrifice: laying one’s own body on the altar as a sacrifice to God. The imagery comes from the Old Testament, when endless sacrifices were offered just to achieve a semblance of right standing before a Holy God.

But also in context Paul is speaking about how Christ’s sacrifice had voided the need for these ineffective sacrifices. Instead of a nation of disparate people, Christ’s sacrifice had resulted in one body energized by the Holy Spirit. In this body, each member truly comes into his or her own. There is nothing left other than to be the redeemed person one was made to be.

So for those of us in this Body, today is the day and here is the place: if you are to serve, serve; if you are to encourage, make sure you do it. If you are to give, then give.

Signing off now; I have to teach today, and I mean to do it well.


Romans 12.6-9 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere.


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