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Odds and ends and a day of small things

Someone sent us a cartoon of a kid who bragged he only worked two days a week for his summer job. When asked why only two days a week, he said "I'm training to be a professor." Ha Ha.

Michael Jackson passed away today. As his body was transported to the LA Coroners office, a commentator on Fox News said something to the effect that, "Wow, after all that star power, all that's left is just a human body ..." How true.

Farrah Fawcett passed away today too. She can't get attention even in passing ...

Jeremy texted last night and said somebody called him to say how much he enjoyed the tape of my message at this year's Men's Retreat. It was on stress in marriage. I texted back and said: "Tell him thanks -- that message took me 30 years to prepare."

Today I just couldn't get it up to do much of anything at the office. (Must not have been one of my two days this week). Here I am getting published and all, and putting in another book proposal. But I just can't get motivated. I feel sluggish. And probably depressed.

I've been depressed enough to know the first antidote when depression is coming on: Remember that other people do not see you the same way you see yourself. They think better of you than you do. And they're probably right.

I was stung by some kind of bug two days ago while working in the yard. The thing bit me right on the leg. Couldn't walk yesterday without pain. Today it's a little better. It just made me feel really old.


The passage I read this morning is below. It's all about how I am getting old; and how God never does.


Isaiah 46.4 ... Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.


Daniel Leslie Peterson June 26, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

I had my first excruciating leg cramp, in my left calf, a couple mornings ago as I lay in bed waking. The "memory pain" is finally gone this morning. I remember my dad suffering from leg cramps; when he the age I am now, I was 12. (He turns 98 in September. And I don't think he has leg cramps any more!)

Daniel Leslie Peterson June 26, 2009 at 9:22 AM  

P.S. I appreciate you covering the news in your daily column: I stopped the newspaper for the summer and don't listen or look anywhere else.

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